Tomorrow marks the great holiday of Festivus, popularized by Seinfeld character George Costanza. The Festivus pole is up at our Miami offices, and we're hard at work coming up with feats of strength, but before that can happen, it's time for our favorite part of the holiday – the Airing of Grievances.

See, there are thousands and thousands of people behind the cars, trucks, and SUVs that we love, like, and merely tolerate. There are marketing people, engineers, designers, product planning gurus, and, God help us, accountants. By and large, when all these folks get together, great things happen. But sometimes, brands seem to take one step backwards for every two steps forward.

With that in mind, the entire staff got together to figure out all the automotive things that have grated us over the past year as part of our first annual Automotive Airing of Grievances. To paraphrase Frank Costanza, “This is where we get all of our auto industry friends together and tell them all the ways they've disappointed us over the past year.”

Joking aside, we hope all our friends in the auto industry have a relaxed, enjoyable, and revitalizing holiday break. We look forward to seeing what 2019 brings.

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