If you’re looking to save money on car insurance, aside from shopping around competing carriers to find the lowest rates and making sure you’re getting all applicable discounts, about the only avenue to take is to buy or lease a vehicle that’s cheaper to cover in the first place. Other factors that determine a motorist’s rates – including age, gender, marital status, address, credit rating, and driving record – are more or less fixed variables.

Unfortunately for motoring enthusiasts, this generally means choosing a safe and sedate minivan or SUV. If you’ve got your eye on a racy sports car or costly luxury ride you’ll pay among the highest rates for insurance. Luxury cars are more expensive to insure simply because the cost of repairs and the threshold in value before they become “totaled” in a wreck are much higher. Sports cars are likewise among the more expensive to insure, as one might guess, given the fact that they practically beg to be driven aggressively. Also considered are the number and severity of claims on a given model, which can vary significantly within a given model class.

No matter which models you’re cross-shopping, always consult one or more insurance agents or websites to compare rates. In the meantime, we’re featuring the five cheapest and most-expensive vehicles to insure, on average, courtesy of the insurance shopping website Insure.com. They’re based on a hypothetical low risk 40-year-old male motorist with a clean driving record, good credit, and a nominal commute; your rates will probably vary, based on the aforementioned personal factors.

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