In a surprising move amidst the troubled landscape of the Russian automotive industry, Moscow Polytechnic University has a new electric vehicle prototype named Amber. The vehicle's design has sparked widespread criticism, with many saying it would beat the Fiat Multipla for the title of the world’s ugliest car.
The Amber is not just a prototype. It is set to enter production in 2025 at the Avtotor plant in Kaliningrad. Interestingly, that factory has a history of producing cars for prestigious international brands such as BMW, Ford, Kia, and Hyundai. However, the withdrawal of these companies from the Russian market following the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has left the plant searching for new opportunities.
Gallery: Amber EV
Details about the Amber's specifications, including range, power, and charging capabilities, are yet to be officially released. Critics suggest that the vehicle's peculiar design may stem from the use of off-the-shelf parts, with components possibly sourced from various existing Russian vehicles. Those bug-eyed headlights and two portholes on the right side have drawn particular attention for their unconventional placement.
Some people even speculate some of the components could be sourced from AliExpress, but that's unconfirmed. According to the official information, however, the electric motors, battery, inverter, and other components from the powertrain are all developed and assembled in Russia.
Source: Ukraine Today