As you’ve probably noticed, gasoline prices have been rising steadily of late, just as a wave of U.S. motorists are trading in their stalwart sedans for somewhat less fuel-efficient SUVs and pickup trucks. In fact (as of July, 2018), fuel costs are at their highest level in four years, though they’re still lower than they were back in 2008 when the national average broke the $4.00 a gallon mark.

Whether you’re driving a brand-new crossover or are getting your money’s worth out of an old reliable ride, it’s entirely possible – and, frankly, it’s not that difficult ­– to go farther on a gallon of gas. And if you’re driving a model that’s powered by a modern high-compression turbocharged engine that takes premium-grade fuel, the money-saving potential is even higher.

What’s at stake? The Consumer Federation of America recently quantified how much money motorists might be able to save (based on regular-grade gas at $2.86 per gallon) by simply altering a few bad habits and ensuring that their vehicles are in top running order. According to the CFA, prudent drivers could improve their cars’ and trucks’ fuel economy by as much as 13 percent by following these time-tested tips.

When MPG matters:

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